Error: uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini

adminWordpress Basics

Error: uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.

Difficulty: 3/5 (If you feel comfortable modifying files via FTP or cPanel, you’ll be able to do this. If you’d prefer me to handle it for you, this is something I handle for members on my membership programs.)

This is a common error that occurs when the default settings for “maximum upload size” on your hosting solution are set too low and you try to upload something. For example, if you are trying to upload a 3 MB plug-in but your maximum file-size is set to 2 MB, it won’t let you upload it. It’s the same way for images, though you shouldn’t be uploading images that large to your server (for site-speed sake, PLEASE resize your images before uploading them).

This is an easy fix that took just a few minutes, but it can be a little intimidating if you’ve never done it before. Here’s a video where I show you how you can easily fix the “uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini” via WordPress when you are hosting with GoDaddy.

Here is the code you will need:

memory_limit = 2048M
max_execution_time = 1600
max_input_time = 320
post_max_size = 120M
max_input_vars = 2000
file_uploads = 5
max_file_uploads = 20
upload_max_filesize = 200M


You’ll paste that right into the bottom of your user.ini in your home directory (public_html), then save. That should fix the issue!

FYI, here is where I found the specifics for the fix.